Jade Pfleger
  • Jerseyville, IL

Jade Pfleger Completes International Service Trip

2014 Feb 3

Jade Pfleger of Jerseyville, Ill. was one of eight St. Louis College of Pharmacy students who spent part of their winter break working with Habitat for Humanity International.

Pfleger, a second-year student at the College, spent a week in the town of Tecpan, Guatemala building houses. Pfleger worked to dig foundations, cut and tie rebar, and sift sand for concrete.

The trip was led by Ken Schafermeyer, director of international programs, Tom Zlatic, professor of English, and Mary Lou Zlatic, Spanish instructor.

All of the students chronicled their trip to Guatemala through a blog. On the fifth day in Guatemala, Kaitlyn LaBoube wrote, "I noticed as I was working today that people in Guatemala are always greeting you, unlike at home. In the states you walk by people and just keep going, often without a word. Here, children walk by and are quick to say 'hola' or 'buenas dias'. My Spanish speaking skills are no where near sufficient; however, that doesn't seem to matter. A simple smile and a wave to the children causes them to smile in return."

Students interested in participating in future International Service Learning trips should contact Ken Schafermeyer, Ph.D., director of international programs.